Moving Forward…

So, in my quest to living life I stopped my heart medications.  Yes, I sure did.  I was only on these certain medications to replace the nitroglycerin I was taking that was giving me migraines.  Did I mention that since my heart attack I’m not allowed to take my good ole’ migraine medications so it was migraines or medications.  For a bit I did go with the medications until I realized it was both meds that caused my rapid weight gain.  You see I had this issue before with Provera for my PCOS.  So long story short I’m back on the nitroglycerin and living with the migraines.

Which brings me to I’ve now lost 8 lbs and have kept it off so far.  I’m back at the gym and I owe my gym success to Game of Thrones and that I’d have never watched before.  You see it helps to pass the time on the treadmill. I kid but it really does help as at time waster while working out.

The real test if I can continue this work out regime is the pass I was gifted for two weeks ends in a couple of days so I will have to do outside workouts and you know, I may enjoy it more.  We shall see.

I’m going to the gym today.  My head keeps trying to get me to back out but after I’ve gone for the 30-40 minutes I feel good when I leave.  I feel like I look super fat when I’m at the gym and that I’m the only one there who looks this way.  I want to get to a point where I don’t feel this way.  It’s hard work this self care game.

So to end this update and I hope to dig deeper into blogging again is this is where I’m at:

Still in school full time, still working some place that doesn’t make me happy but I know isn’t permanent, eating mini meals and gluten free, not beating me up if I fail on a meal because really, it’s not worth it, trying daily to do at least one thing kind for me including some form of exercise, being a great mother, partner, and friend, AND knowing that my past doesn’t define me.  What I do today defines me.  Today, I’m working on a better me even on the days it doesn’t feel good.

Your Thoughts?